The Crescent - 2000 - 2004
Between 2000 and 2004 I was commissioned to produce a number of audio-visual installations for the Crescent, Buxton, Derbyshire with the aim of bringing a sense of life and occupancy back to this once grand but now derilict building.
Here you can view snapshots from an initial visit to the Crescent on February 10th 2000.
Use the links below to view the installations:
After Dark / Inner Light / Beacon / Crescent Memories
St Annes Hotel - Gas Fire |

St Annes Hotel - En-Suite Bathroom |

St Annes Hotel - Bedroom Fireplace (vandalised) |
 St Annes Hotel - First Floor Corridor |

St Annes Hotel - First Floor Lounge (water-damaged)

St Annes Hotel - Main Staircase |

St Annes Grill - Robot Coupe Bowl Cutter & lightshade |

St Annes - Psychedelic Mural, Grill Bar

St Annes Hotel - First Floor Dinning Room

St Annes Hotel - First Floor Staircase |

Assembly Rooms - Telephone |

Assembly Rooms - Main Staircase |

St Annes Hotel - First Floor (back) En-Suite |

St Annes Hotel - Staircase |

St Annes Hotel - Water Cistern (missing) |

St Annes Hotel - First Floor Main Corridor

St Annes Hotel - First Floor Bathroom |

Assembly Rooms - Ceiling Design |